Rara, Yaisha, Aisha, Adik
I've noticed some people come out with nickname for Raysha. Is like every person have their own version off calling her. See, as a paranoid mother and person (as I was born as paranoid gila) I don't know if is it good or bad. Maybe Raysha is so 'manja' to them and they'll entitled her with a pet name. I love when they spoiled my baby, really. But on top of that I would much prefer they call her Raysha. Poor Ibu gave her Ammara but no one ever use that name but Ibu.. sobs *tears fall* .
Raysha, Pemimpin. Yaisha? Rara? Is there's any meaning in arabic? Hahaha see paranoid sangat! Sometime I tell myself that it is fine but no matter when people called her with nicknames, I'll pause and not-willingly-dare to ask them to call her Raysha or Ammara.
Allah akan bagi seru bila kita nak bagi nama anak. Ibu Bapa dapat seru.
Bu.. meow bu meow!
Raysha Ammara
The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni