It was recent-fav-older post I read from my blog that drag me to spontaneously asked him
" Off all perfect women in this world, why me?"
and what he replied was beyond of what I've been imagined. Boleh bayangkan jawapan?
Immediately my tears drop. So I am officially Drama Queen.
Allah is Amaaaayyyyzziinggg! What a great husband He granted me. I am blessed Alhamdulillah
Mount of Jabal Rahmah.
Alhamdulillah husband has done his Umrah and soon will be back on field. To be true, I was so anxious yet over the top nervous when we was on our way to pick him up at Sultan Mahmud airport. And the moment I walked to arrival gates there's high possibality that I might cry my heart out off nothing good reasons that I'm not sure. yet I DON'T EVEN TELL HIM ABOUT THIS
Every feelings I had washed away from the moment I saw him. And I can see that he misses his daughter much when he took Raysha from my arms, she was sleeping. I felt good and I feel better when his home safely. Aside from treasuring his bags with lots of souvenirs, he told me everything happened while his on Umrah.
Allah, will you invite me to Your house someday? Please? :)
*my heart skipped*
My precious lil mini family.
The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni