Thursday, March 14, 2013


Checking and deleting pictureesss on my tab ... then

That was me past 3 month ago! MasyaAllah.. how can I grow that big!
And that was me a week I started to work again. Don't misguide yet, trust me I have a lot more to lose.

On my understanding, pregnant women body 75% filled with water and we have nothing to worry about as it will decreased after birth. the other 25% ... well, I blame my 'mengidam' behaviour. But not to be blame, pregnant women always drag to ask simply ridiculous wish may I say. Especially to have what to eat and bullied your man to get what ever the fetus ordered from the inside! LOL I get blown away by joke of the day. Ha ha~ Funny!

Now I've been working on to lose a lot more. To those who trying to lose weight as well, my best advice is NOT TO TAKE ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. Dieting pills, or any herbs drink that help you to lose weight it won't give you long term result as you stop taking any. Betul! Plan for your diet, count which meals may help to burn your calories even when you sleeping. Take your time, ask your loves one to jog or slow walk at the park would help.

Ha ha ha ... pandainya nasihat orang. I have 7 to 8 kilos to lose, cause everyday I keep staring at my long buddy skinny jeans, mummy will fit you soon ok!

A week after gave birth to my girl

Dear dear cheeks, help me to lose down the air... much please Thanks!

The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni