Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Yaaiikksss its almost end of November and last time I post an entry was on early October? (Janji manis)

Tarik nafas and hembus - kata Camara.

Sorry been neglected to my blog. Blame instagram for make it seductive. Boleh? Nyiooohhh. I know everyone been waiting for Raysha's bee day party official pictures. Please.... Wait for much longer kikikiki. I still didn't have any of the picture yet hopefully soon!

Alhamdulillah the party was YELLOW. Cause everything is on themed. Felt reallygrateful  for everyone who came, for been very handy and top of all Raysha dapat banyak presents! Tapi tak kasi Ibu share dengan dia. Sssoookkkaaaaayyy~ 

Really everyone had fun and enjoyed. Its bit tiring but my 2month post plan worked! Berbaloi ye dak cecuri kat opis nak belajar tema punya pasal? Gaji buta dosa please. Anyway, yes our baby girl is a year old last Tuesday. Can't describe how happy and thankful I am. She's a pretty girl, cheeky and apple of my heart.

 Cheeky kan? Tapi pretty. Ibu jelaous.

Not to left behind, Its a memory for me a year after been thru pain of pregnancy and gave birth. Alhamdulillah Allah chosed me to be a mother. And to enjoy a normal one. Anyway, gotta run for job hunting! Please pray that we can get a shelter at Terengganu. We really wish for that job. Aminn. 

I leave you guys with some of 3 of us dine picture on her birthday. Enjoy everyone! Salam aleykum.

The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni