I feel thanks for Apple for inventing this Blogger apps on my iphone so its easier for me to write. Mudahan idok la yang lagha. So currently I am updating an entry using right hand while my left hand on a moredate speed enjut my chicken pop anak dara tidur. Yes she's with chicken pop dah 4hari. Alhamdulillah semua dah keluar I guess sebab dah hitam polka dot kat badannya maybe its a good show it starting to dry. Mudahan. Ada juga aku dapat feedback "turun title la Raysha lepas ni tak cantik dah dia" Amboiii makan cili giling mak Raysha ni baru PADAN! Is good that she got this illness at this age. Besar nanti idokla berpolka dot anak dara aku. Plus tak paranoid la sangat aku nampak jugak penyakitkan, taknak penyakit yang aku tak nampak but actually it kills slowly. Nauzubillah! Doakan yang baik baik.
Kenapa chicken yang dapat pop? Bukan gorilla ke, katak ke, tinkerbell ke comel sikit.
Gambar kenangan sikit. Hihihi. Nanti kita baikkan kulit tu ye baby girl.
Above all the nonsense start, I oftenly recieved emails and question asking,
"Best tak khawin muda? Macam mana handle life korang?"
And pretty much a question that sound like that.
Just like other young married couple, MESTILA BEST! Seronok tak tipu. Married to a person that you love and having a family together is like living in dream. Tapi in reality way lah. Tapi, dalam "MESTILA BEST" tu must get along with responsibilities. Tak cliche. Ni betul.
1. Where do we earn money for kenduri khawin.
Do it simple as you can. Or mungkin aku ni memang berdoa nak khawin macam mama ayah. Pakai lawa lawa, lepas akad, duduk kat meja makan beradab and salam tetamu. Setel. Allah dengar, nah sebijik aku dapat. Syukur. Everything goes smooth. Just like i mentioned how my parent wedding was, centu la dia. Bonus wedding cakes di sponsor 3ketul. Rezeki.
2. Where do we earn money to support each other.
Lepas je khawin, aku terus dapat kerja sedangkan aku belum habis internship. Lagi sebulan. Allah janjikan rezeki tiap hambaNya kan? Aku anggap rezeki khawin. I work as Sharepoint Designer at Australian oil & gas based at Malaysia. Cukup untuk kami berdua.
3. Suami tak kerja?
Wide know that my husband is still study. How can he feed me and our daughter? Rezeki Allah, dah di tetapkan untuk setiap hambaNya masing masing. He earn money from hockey, and he is doing part time as a mechanic at his uncle workshop. Its not that bad as you can picture it. What he does to earn is for his family that something i think a gentlemen should care of. Bukan lah tak cukup dengan 2gaji nak di tambah dengan mekanik. Mencari rezeki lebih selagi mampu untuk simpanan. Kalau anak sakit, if a family in need. And he have so many spare time. So he made the decision for other job. Mudahan lepas habis belajar, ada rezeki dia untuk network company. As he is aiming for Cisco. (Mudahan Amin aminnn)
Responsibility is not just on money. Yang di titik beratkan how to work this marriage life, how to create a qhalif/qhalifah and how to help each other for His Jannah is much more to put eagle eyes on. Pokoknya, nak berkhawin jangan takut rezeki or tak cukup duit. SubbahanaAllah Allah sangat Pemurah okay! Yang penting, kita kena bersyukur and sentiasa usaha. Set in heart "Lillahi ta'ala"
4. Tak letih ke kerja lepas tu balik jadi housewife and mak
If i were invented as a robot, tak la kot. Letih memang letih. Keluar sebelum matahari terbit, sampai rumah matahari dah terbenam. Masuk dapur masak, laundry and chores, bagi anak tidur pulak. This is where Toleransi take place. Arief akur aku kena kerja, and dia tak pernah lokek tenaga tolong untuk take over tengok anak atau do one of the chores (but he oftenly do laundry). Ya Allah I really thankyou for this type of husband. Bila dah jadi isteri, dah jadi mak, walau kecik manapun, kita tetap usaha nak bagi yang terbaik untuk keluarga. Kenapa aku kemas rumah tiap hari, is because sometimes aku rasa bersalah tak dapat besarkan Raysha 24-7 lifetime but need to help her father to earn living needs. So aku cuba provide kan environment yang bersih and selesa untuk dia main. Untuk kami anak beranak selesa nak main dengan dia after hours at work. And I do personally believe Air tangan isteri buat suami tambah sayang, anak dengar kata. Sebab tu aku pilih untuk masak jugak. Cook with lotttssaaaaa lovesssss. Sila telan kasih sayang aku tu ye anak beranak genetic bengis. Hihihi
....nantilah sambung. Budak chicken pop dah bangunnnnnnn