Friday, September 26, 2014

truth to be told

Where do I begin...
it has been months since my last entry.
Malam ni gagahkan diri (cium muscle kiri kanan) untuk update versi diary dengan intonasi Lisa Surihani dalam Istanbul Aku Datang *buh peace sikit bawah dagu tanda macho*.

1st thing 1st,
Imma Housewife.At Age 23.I know.
(taip penuh tanda noktah kerana suka hatilah)
It is never easy. Never will. But choice has been made ya'll see. Buta hati je buat keputusan (sampai sekarang tak faham konsep hati ada mata lepas tu buta pulak dasyat nauu). Ok la serious put here, ever since I speak up about my decision people never enough making me feel shit out of it. Aku pulak fragile macam Cream Puff (sebab cream puff rapuh yang sedap with filling!) so aku mula rasa
I was in my 6month since I joined Petronas. Lepas tu banyak pulak orang jumpa personally and emailed me a good offer poolaakk for me to stay.
Lepas tu ingat muka anak yang mata sepet di iringi taring Avril Lavinge yang dia warisi dari aku buat aku rasa NO SHIT SHE WIN, I QUIT. hahahaha.
Entahlah, ada jugak rasa macam too dangerous young to quit good job tapi dengan anak aku tetap kalah. Pulak tu kesihatan dia tu buat aku lagi nak jaga dia sendiri.

atleast she don't have to see her cropped face of her Baba during facetime, and make ibu jealous of their mesra-ness and abandon me with Sinetron.

We are currently located at Kuala Terengganu.
screw my broken english cause my life full of Spanar (evil laugh insert here).
Another bravest move jugak sebab is just us 3 je dekat sana and belajar hidup sendiri without family hands,....legs, head neck and other part of their bodies.
Nope just us coping with almost 2years old baby girl and life, financially (sebelum ni pun bayaq segala benda sendiri apa) mentally apa sajalah.
and rented place price are waaayyyy cheaper compare to KL (haruslah kan?) even my neighbors claimed yang rumah kitorang tu mahal jugak.
"dakpe ah comey doh rumoh kite tu" - jet jet cakap broken ganu.
OF COURSE I MISS DAMANSARA (lagi jet jet damansara walhal 15tahun membesar duduk Ulu),
Pray hard merging happen fast between me and our new house sebab aku lah si penyeri rumah di accessories kan dengan batang mop dan penyapu all day!

no I don't any latest picture of my house currently. Our stuff still in KL. you gotta wait a lil much longer. (nahh u don't)

People keep checking on my front-Bummer. No we are not expecting.
I'm just fat. Arief keep feeding me macam ikan emas (because i'm shine like a gold, ada turun naik harga based on my 56.2kg).
typical question bila anak nak masuk 2 tahun dan meletakkan gelaran yang anak aku tu layak dah di gelar kakak.
Yang melarang dia di gelar kakak pun boleh tahan ratio dia.
paling biadap sekali bila
''Engkorang jangan rancang nanti takde baru tau" MEH SINI NAK BUH CILI GILING CAP PUTERI DALAM MULUT DIA.
Dia ingat bikin anak ni macam tikam mesin 50kupang tu gamaknya pusing2 keluar tolor.
Aku pun senyum dengan cliche sekali memberi jawapan
''Kalau ada kami tak sorok" (snap jari goncang kepala macam nigga)
It has been 22month since I gave birth, not that Im afraid to have adik baby coming. As for now all my attention adalah pada health raysha.
and to see thru clear water (kamus bahasa aku sendiri don't judge *jeling*)
I'm still coping with motherhood, improving to be good mother. Lack of at every aspect is not my reason. Tuhan nak kasi Dia kasi.

Engkorang nak mengandung, sila lah. Jangan compare.

I need to work on something to have my own pocket money. I am forever a big spender.
(read : Belanja Besar) bukan double-plus model (tak faham sudah nama kau dolah kopek limau *scratch that*)
not that arief can't afford us (ayat cliche lagi) but to be true, to have something that I want is something I must say a ridiculous view for Arief (umpama nak beli lingeries size 0 tapi badan kau size Kimora Lee Simons zaman pregnant anak ke 3), so to request something from him a month proposal must be made and nak approve or disapprove tu kau Tawakal je la.
That is not the whole point of typing short  crap synopsis tadi,
the point is, I haven't decide on what to do. Previously I baked tapi ENTAHLA AKU PUN TAKTAU NAK TAIP APE DAH SEBAB AKU TAK TAU NAK BIKIN APE mesti menyesal baca.

Congo bars confetti
sebab paling fun campak campak choc chip tu macam tabur bunga rampai, adakala guna konsep tabur bunga dekat perkuburan MULLLOOTT.

Too many too update yet too lazy. I don't know if I ever have readers tapi tengok follower tambah tu adala kot (melepas kan flying kiss sedas dua). Anyway is good to be blog again but put any hope you don't (acewah belagak Master Yoda), rumah terengganu belum masuk internet so oklah nak tido HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sebagai penutup entry.

The very best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni