Sunday, October 6, 2013

Baby's buds type

Like i said, non of my entries are beneficial or any informations provided. Sila lah scroll dengan penuh penyesalan. Tone baca entry post pun sila baca dengan nada ala ala Bridget Jones diary berdendam Mr Darcy bengis tak kesah dia gemuk. (Eleh nak bagitau favorite novel dia lewteww)
Besides, non of my entry title are goggle search friendly user. Hahahahahahahahaha 

So, of my entry title, I bumped to an entry on facebook which not really reliable where most of the kids which exposed to gadgets are not using their full skill motors to generate well in future. Well I say .... ENTAH LA AKU BELAJAR MULTIMEDIA. TAK KOSER NAK STUDY FACTS SEBAB AKU SUKA GOOGLE RESEPI. (Drama sangat nak caps lock) TETAPI (caps lock lagi) ada betulnya jugak.Sebab  melalui penglihatan mata aku, mana mana budak yang lebih exposed to gadgets memang lebih menggunakan vision skill sahaja. YES  it helped to make your kids talk fast, learn easily even develop their brain, i give them no doubt. They even have fluent english! 

The power of vision. But its stated in the research it also come along with the pros and cons, but highly searched on cons as it may effect for long term! Now that is something make me closed my recipes tabs and starts my research engine (hiperbola). 

Expert warned (sambil cekak pinggang) that parents who allow their kids to access tablet computer may cause their kids to addictive, proved when the iPad was taken away. The kid will "distressed and inconsolable". Kemain kau, aku kekecik stress bila asik kena paksa tido je, mogok bila tak dapat main kat luor lestik kawan dengan buah gatal! Tak fun langsung tau mama ni! Ekekeke. 

Well, that just a start to scared me off. It is proved again when I see most of the child spend hours just on tablet instead of doing something that any other normal kids does even mintak mak buh pinggan sebelah bila time makan and eyes couldn't take off from the tablet! This is one of main cause kids with double eyes after hours with tables may highly cause them with dry eyes.

While technology developing in kids hand, it may not help their development skills and only vision. Most of kids who exposed to tablets use 100% vision motor and this may lead them to not using other motors for developing process where you find kids who oftenly get bored in class, tired and slow.

"Kids who are interacting with the screen get much better much faster, make fewer mistakes and learn faster BUT YOU'RE NOT TURNING THEM INTO GENIUSES."

Nak cerita memang banyak pros and cons, please help yourself to use your high electronic gadget to do some google and reasearch. I is malas already and i is not like type too many many (ai is english broken ai is dont have gadget when as is younger ai is have lestik cause ai is gangster) 

As my personal thought, it is okay to expose our kids to gadgets BUT we mother must control the time of use or maybe set some limits. Aku memang takde pengalaman sebab aku pernah apply pada Raysha but it only last 2sec NO LIE. Raysha is the kind of baby which use her physical and taste bud and first! (Sebab apa saja yang dia nampak, dia akan rasa guna lidah dulu, hebat kan? Peellikkk please!) Aku tak pernah paksa dia just to sit and study flash cards or watch learning cd's. Sebab aku percaya, if we too force them to learn this may lead them to boredness. Yes, aku tak nafikan budak itu akan cepat belajar and sebut alphabets dengan angkuhnya bila reunion sanak saudara (hey budak sila eja ayam kekuat tok nenek ngko nak dengar dan mengharapkan pojian anak ngko cepat nauu belajar pandai) Budak bila dah terlalu fast learn or terlalu pandai bersaing dengan kekanak yang slow boleh jadikan anak kita cepat bosan sebab dia tahu abjad tu terlebih dahulu. Ini akan membuat anak kita jadi malas untuk belajar melainkan kau berani masukkan anak kau class darjah 1 umur 4tahun ye dakk? 

Dont get offended mothers, lain manusia lain caranya. What i've said is based on my experience. So far dah 2 orang budak yang fast learner ni aku jumpa dalam hidup. They get bored while waiting for other kids to even know to discover something after they do. Tiap hari aku berhadap dengan budak 3tahun yang di masukkan dalam sekolah Smart Reader yang sangat malas buat homework tapi no 1 in the school. No lie. Dia taknak sekolah. Rather stay at home and watching cd's even makan suap sambil main game tembak cacing! Kesian dik cacing tu. 

But then, my respect goes to mothers who work hard to teach their kids. Bravo and may Allah ease your journey and grant lotttsss of pahala for take a good care one of His qalifah. 

Like i said, lain orang lain caranya. Lain budak lain cara developnya. 

No she's not spoiled thou i've writen so many dramatic cerpens about her. Nor she's exposed to any high technology things. But she is a baby who develop her eyes with what she sees at her surrounding. Touch and firmly climbed using her two barely hands and feets to stand. She talk from what or where she hear and tell to differentiate the sound of people who open or close a door. I say she's doing well and that is a true gift and all come with His blessing.

Dear mothers, you know your kids better and decide whats best. But dont use you ego for your talk.

The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni