in her bikini.
No, this is the only picture I have seems that I was handling her alone. Pretty tuff since I don't have proper attire for swimming pool so I'm not allowed to 'soak' myself with her in the pool. What I did, I hold her and put her calmly in the pool (kids pool ye!) by hoping she wouldn't get shocked or scared as the water is pretty cold thou. But Raysha used to cold water since 2 month and half. Kolam budak kecik, paras lutut tu kira okay lah for undress me.
A little brave lady, she's totally enjoying her first experience in the pool! But with 'numb' expression, budak mata kuyu. I can tell her enjoyment cause her feet non-stop kicking in the water. Lain kali kita datang lagi bawak pelampung leher awak tu ye, and this time with Baba. Sure it would be so much fun.
There's at one time where I slowly tried to put her deeper in the water and let her float on her own. No worries mommies, baby know how to float them self. We just have to train her and support her from the abdomen. She made it for couples of second je. So yeay me-who-been-studied-how-to-swim-your-babies for decades! (acah mak enon) for weeks je. Seems we don't have that much ringgit to pay private instructor like Sheikh Muszphar does, so I crown-ed myself as her private-free-fullofloves-instructor. UN-EDUCATED. Berani sangat aku ni, tapi aku tetap nak ajar anak aku. Jangan lah fikir bukan bukan. Mana ada emak yang nak benda tak elok dekat anak dia, kan?
Swimming is good for babies as it built their confident levels and breathing skills. Its good for brain as well. Bismillah banyak banyak inshaaAllah boleh. Cause baby used with water when they was in mommy's womb. Up next, is to still NOT to teach her to hold her breath in the water til she's 6 or 7 month. Slowly mommy, let your babies get use to swimming environment.
So much to explore with her, and bonding time is so precious moment. Nanti kita join archery pulak okay girl?
The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni