But Raysha didn't get to spend much time with Ummi as she was busy with her chemistry classes and tuition. But Raysha was okay with that. (Ibu punya instinct sendiri gituew). But advantages behind of all, Ibu have her own agenda.. ihiks!
Everytime, EVERY SINGLE TIME we're at Perak, I always push my husband to take me jalan - jalan. Sometimes I have to bagged him. NO REALLY. I've always wanted to visit Pangkor cause its isn't that far from Ummi's place. Tapi ternyata.... gagal lagi. Bare with me Arief, I refuse to give up, you'll take me there one fine day jugak. hihihi..
Due to cloudy day, husband just took us to Lumut and enjoyed our cendol. Poor Ibu been warned to not to take Coconut drink til next pregnancy. Kejam sangat!
Thank You paksu Ezry for best try captured us!
And its about to get home.
Til next visit Nanny!
We're not straight away to home yet. But had our visit to DenaBahrin's garage sale. Happy Ibu is happy. Baba also got some for himself. Cheap and we was the last customers (I guess). Dena is so petite (hahaha pardon me) but very soft spoken and pretty. Even met few of her family members and lovely nieces. Cute! Sampai Raysha pun 'galak' sukanya. Gotta chance to hold her son, Saif Amaan Danial which was really mocking for his's milk. Hehehe.. She really inspired me to length down way of wearing my hijjab.
with our babies.
Me : Dena, 21 kan tahun ni?
Dena : Haah.
Me : Sama dengan husband shuk la. Sebaya.
Dena : Ohh.. eh you?
Me : I 22. Tua sikit. Ihiks!
Dena : Waahh lagi muda!!
p/s : I'm currently wearing Aroush maxi dress bought from garage sale (but this is the new one) Thanks sayang belikan! Loves much
The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni