Bapak! You better be excited too! hehehe..
Work loaded but still manage to steal some time to type in here. Work can come later.. Nyiohhh bad attitude. Anyways, what drag me to still post an entry is because a follower of mine emailed me with a question
bla..bla..bla..bla...Sis best tak jadi isteri player hockey? hikhik..
Err sort of sound like that.. Out of that question make me recall/think back ..dulu kemain la aku ni anti orang ajuk aku 'bini bini pemain hockey' sekarang kena batang hidung sendiri.. kelakar.
I met Arief last year thru a friend of mine who is one of huge fans of UniKL hockey boys. Is a SHE. (you know who you are Ajid. Ihiks) Sebelum kenal dengan arief, aku tak pernah minat nak ambil tahu pasal hockey. Thou at that 'season', my classmates were head over hills with these hockey boys too! Aku pegi sekali itu pun secara paksaan. Nasib ada sorang mat salleh comel for me to lay eyes on, Kevin (sebab dia sorang je yang handsome). COMMON! What do you expect me to adore this bored game? Mestilah aku cari yang menangkap mata jarang aku ni untuk melihat sesuatu yang 'menarik'! LOL
Nak di jadikan cerita..
Aku di 'kenen'kan dengan Arief thru FB. STILL masa tu aku tak berminat as I heard budak budak hockey ni jet jet kacak, jet jet player, jet jet EXPECT SEMUA PEREMPUAN TERGILA DENGAN DIORANG.
Naa aahh~ not me.
Tapi kawan jugak, as Arief was my junior and I treated him like one!
(Bapak, you was very poyo back then. Mak menyampss)
Kawan punya kawan, support punya support last last Tergedik. Eyy cerita melayu betul. Bila ingat balik sendiri, rasa macam nak panjat KB Mall nak acah acah terjun lalu famous T__T
So as a good 'friend', I tried to understand him on that green-wet-carpet field. Sampai di teased
Awak kan join team bini bini hockey..
Eyyyy~ penampor nak!
JOD Bini bini hockey : (dari segi kefahaman aku) ..
- Mesti kena duduk satu team bini bini (girlfriends ja padahal)
- Kena add FB sesama, Kena gossiping bersama, Kena REPORT sesama
- to protect/ support/ holiday/ etc etc bersama
- masuk padang, duduk dalam branch team bini bini hockey
Sorry for being very poyo, tapi aku .. solo-ridder. Seboleh boleh aku menjauhkan diri sampai satu tahap aku takmo dah datang padang hockey tu. Gelemas! Mengimbaukan aku pada zaman jadi prefect sekolah dan menyaksikan sekumpulan remaja wanita bergaduh over boyfriend memasing lalu di bawanya konco konco dan main party tarik rambut sebaik saja habis waktu sekolah. Up til now, none of the boys girlfriends I being friend with. Jahatnya aku..
Namun itulah hakikatnya, kuasa pembalasan Tuhan terhadap hambaNya yang takbur, I am LEGALLY one of Bini Pemain Hockey. Eyyy malunya.
Sukma, Kuantan.
Well, I guess you find the asnwer here. Perasaan dia sama je macam bini engineer, bini pailot, bini Liam Neeson... eh acah mak enon~ What important most is to cheers for this new phase of being a women. Being someone's wife. Train myself to cope with who he is now and what he's doing. InsyaAllah everything is fine and I pray may both of us always lead each other to goodness and jannah, kan arief kan?
sekarang dah jadi bini pemain hockey, sila bertanggungjawab ya!
The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni