Sunday, October 28, 2012

Eid Qurban 2012

Raya Qurban this year was average but Alhamdulillah dapat beraya dengan family and bapaks. (walaupun mak banyak buat perangai) Sedih tak dapat tengok lembu korban/ di korbankan. Mama forbid me to go so. Walhal that was the best part of raya haji kan? Tapi takpa. Tiba tiba teringin nak sup gearbox, cicah cili api. Iskk nangis gini. Tahun ni raya di Puncak Alam, makndak cooked us nasi tomato and nasi impit with kuah kacangs. Good food eyy~ and had rich mushrooms spagethi bolognese at MakNjang's. Lepas tu merengek mengah, sakit pinggang, sakit rusuk. LEPAS TU 70KG! RASAKAN!

Saji gambar je la, macam menyamps pulak nak update details sangat..

oh before that.. let me 'serve' you with these..

suupp dawwgg, I'm on tv gotta make le expression swag enough #LikeABapak

..gotta look away daawgg else cause my wife is missing mehh~

me and team will rock this field and bring back victory... but gotta look swag enough again cause everyone is busy staring at mehh~

Suppp dawwwgg~ le trophy is ours .

Congratulations Terengganu for another winning round. Alhamdulillah rezeki :)

Its official. Ibu and Baba :)

its morning sincere smile when arief have to melayan kerenah Ibu

Happy Eid Qurban from Ibu and Baba and little B!

ini pun lembu jugak. lembu kurban arief. Moooooooo~
eh sayang jom Moo Cow? nak layan lagi tak kerenah?

The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni