Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I don't grow hates, Well, I wouldn't

" Eleh semua pun nak cerita"
" Eaaaauuuuwww tak hadap la"
"Ye la kau je la yang ada"

and some..

Salam aleikum readers. Good fine Thursday and start it with another entry that I absolute mean something to me. I am kind of a person who liked to share everything that I found as enjoyment, as to cherish and to feel thankful. People who closed to me, who still following my writing they'll know what my intentions when I tend to sharing. Sharing. Yes that would fit the perfect word for the clear picture of what I'm saying, posting or tweeting or updating.

I'll take this as example.

Yes, its a compliment I admit it. And I tend to share it, and from that particular time, you'll have people who'd say +ve feedback and -ve feedback I realize that from the moment I click send or post or update. But as my intention if someone do as I did, I'll take every chance to say Alhamdulillah enthou its not directly to the person who I meant to.

Please embrace, I am not perfect muslim or as a person but before we let the hatred coming in our lips either heart, I'll will put myself at that person position, what would I feel if I tend to say
'Kau bajet kau bagus post macam tu? Dah baik sangat lah?' Ouch.
What if she meant for sharing that her effort is finally paid off? It takes a person so hard to change to someone better. They struggle to turn her/himself to be better Person/Muslim.
Or perhaps with a little compliment will help her to embrace that person to be much more better Person/Muslim? THAT'S A BIG HELP AND GRANT EVERY EACH PAHALA.

Same as when I share anything that related to my marriage life. How sweet my husband is.. how behave my daughter is ... how handy my husband at helping me doing chores.. I share them! At the same understanding, I know some might like it and some not. But things that I want to cherish (personally) is how lovely marriage life especially at young age, as what I'm experiencing now! And who might know, I succeed at a little encouragement kan?

Different person, with different thoughts. Every time.

I respect people who tend to 'Boo-ing' or hate it, as they couldn't understand what my intentions to. I can't read people's mind or heart, so what I did is I keep on post and sharing. Because hatred will lost  to Loves! That's why I don't grow hates (practising), cause the deepest hate you have, LAGI KERAS HATI, LAGI HITAM & SEMAKIN SUKAR TERIMA KEBAIKAN. MasyaAllah.

Don't be jealous, don't be hatred. Please please pleaaaasseee believe that Masing masing di tetapkan bahagian masing masing. Because Allah is Merciful and the most Fair. Harini bahagian kita, esok lusa bahagian orang lain. Jangan dengki, jangan busuk hati and don't simply have negative taughts cause satan loves set to badness, to our heart.

Be happy for someone who has been granted by Allah for something that they been work hard on boleh? Kalau kita pun suka kan kalau orang happy untuk kita. Because only we know the sweetness Allah grant us with anything! Positive to be set. And help each other to be a better Muslim.

Help me to be a better Muslim?

The best is yet to come
CikPuan Shukriah Jasni